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Showing posts from June, 2012

Gratitude for my Mummy Manic Mondays

Towards the end of my last post I said I feel blessed with being granted the gift of motherhood. I am feeling inspired to expand on this further. Even though we are living in the twenty first century, society seems to think you are only classed as normal if you are married and have children and do it in a certain order by a certain age. If that is a measure of normality I am proud I am not normal. The way my life has worked out may seem unconventional, not  normal etc etc. I would not have it any other way.  I may not be married anymore but I am proud to say even though life is tough, I live with my heart. I wake up in the morning and see my daughters smiling face. When I go to bed at night I see her sweet little face. A child is the most honest person to live with. If I look shit Nishka will often tell me and not mean it with malice.  My life without a husband means unlike many relationship's and marriages out there, I am not worrying that my other half is che...

The Big Day.

Today started off on a positive note, the smoothest nursery run in a while. Nishka got up in a happy  and positive mood. I had her bag packed the night before but she still checked that I packed her sun hat, as the weather was really good. Madam was very cooperative and took the sensible option of wearing her trainers from home rather than her usual sandals. I planned ahead and packed Nishka's trainers in her bag thinking she would not wear them until she got to nursery. I could not get the morning off work so my brother Rishi was my representative today. It was impossible to concentrate on work, I kept texting Rishi for updates. The event started at 10am and finished  at 11am, the children completed twenty laps around the nursery car park. They did have small breaks in between for what Rishi described as some delicious looking biscuits and fruit squash. The picture is of Nishka with her medal, she also received a certificate. A very proud mother moment for m...

Eve of The Big Toddle Event.

All set for the Big Toddle event tomorrow. Even though the weather was hit and miss on Sunday, Nishka and I did fit in some practise at Knighton Park, Leicester during the sporadic dry spells. Nishka alternated between walking, skipping and jogging and has indicated this will be her game plan on the day. I have also treated her to a princess style headband to match her princess dress. As I am writing this post madam is tucked up in bed getting a good nights sleep ready for the big day. Princess dress, trainers, water bottle etc are all set too, now lets pray for some good weather. My brother Rishi will form part of the cheering squad, routing for his niece to complete as many laps as possible and raise lots of money for Barnado's Children's charity. Wishing Nishka all the best , I am sure she will do us all proud.

Run up to the Big Toddle charity event.

A slight disappointment that I am unable to attend the writers group this Saturday but I will certainly be keeping occupied . I have earmarked myself as my daughter's personal trainer this weekend. To raise money for the children's charity Barnado's, the children at my daughter's nursery will be participating in  "The Big Toddle". This involves walking a few laps around the nursery car park wearing  a Superhero outfit ( girls have the option of a princess outfit). Barnado's is a charity that helps vulnerable children. Nurseries and pre- schools across the UK will be taking part in this event to raise money to help these children.  More information can be found at .  I have been advised by the nursery to take my daughter on long walks this weekend and keep her active in preparation for the event. The weather has been a let down but this has not curtailed preparations and my daughter is certainly taking it very seriously. We have tried t...

Picture Perfect Bank Holiday.

The  long weekend just gone was both enjoyable and productive. I could really get use to working just two days.On Sunday I felt like a celeb yummy mummy when my daughter and I met up with my friend and talented photographer, Tony Lyons. I keep meaning to get some up to date pictures for the blog and Tony was more than happy to help.  I viewed samples of Tony's work before and was really impressed and thought he would be perfect. The new profile picture was actually taken at work when Tony did a photography workshop for Learning at Work Day. A very popular photographer in demand on that day. I am not a natural poser and really do not like having my picture taken but Tony really put me at ease. An extra challenge was also keeping a very active four year old entertained and well behaved. Madam turned out to be a photographers apprentice when she was given a small camera to play around with. The photo shoot was fun and creative experimenting with different po...

The winning entry- The Curse of Dirty Dothan

A bit later than anticipated but here it is. The joint winning Dirty Dothan story from the workshop;  The Curse of Dirty Dothan  Marsha Mindfull normally kept away from village fetes but something  had drawn her here today. She approached the hall recognising Daniel's  footprints in the snow. She reminisced about the time they went skinny  dipping. His big footprints nearly revealed their affair.  The familiar scent of cigar smoke coming from the hall startled her.  She tried the handle. Locked. She placed her ear to the door. mumbling  came from within.      "Daniel!" She shrieked. No reply.  She glanced around, making certain no one saw, before turning into a  gaseous state and seeping in through the keyhole.      "You!"      "Welcome to the party," said Dothan, Queen of the Dark Faye.      "SUCCUBUS! What have you done with Daniel?"   ...