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Showing posts from March, 2013

Rock Chic Mummy at Y Theatre

I cannot believe that after a long break away from the stage, I have now done my second gig at the Y Theatre, Leicester. Last week I pushed the boundaries further by performing three poems to backing tracks, about topical issues that I feel strongly about. The first one about gang rape is one I performed earlier this year and seems to be a hit, which is now actually requested at gigs. My second poem was originally a task that was set by the Writer's Group when we were given the theme of writing about a debt or financial crisis. I chose to write about how the recession is affecting society. To finish off I decided to talk about sex! The theme was actually safe sex and not allowing peer pressure to lead young people into rushing into something, then wasting their youth away. After all the performances were over we received audience feedback. I certainly achieved what I set out to do, which is to get people thinking and to take the audience on a different journey. An interestin...

I Have Not Gone Quiet!!

Apologies to my followers and readers who have not heard from my blog for a while. Things have been very, very manic. This does not mean I have not had anything to say, the opposite in fact. For those of you who are also my facebook friends, you will see that I have been ranting about a certain topic a lot lately. Whether it is with Criminal or Family law or the benefits system, our government seems to get confused between who the victims in society really are. I have composed the following poem to make my point on this matter: Who is the victim? Toiling away at the grind, gasping for breath, no time to sip water. The sleepless nights, You are not a victim! Smoke money away, Drown in cheap cider, sponge from the state, what is a days graft? You are a victim! Protect your own and your property, from intrusion or theft, you are still not the victim. The one who robbed you is! Our money flushed away, for the wrong cause. Reform of the ridiculous, Forcing ...