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Showing posts from July, 2013

Holiday Romance-2nd Helping

    To continue the theme of holiday reading, in this post I am going to blog about a publisher who I have always loved from my teens to now, Mills and Boon. My own library of reading material is eclectic, but if I want something light hearted and quick to read, with a touch of good old fashioned romance, it has to be Mills and Boon. I am in the process of writing one myself and was very happy to be accepted on their affiliate programme.   The books maybe quick to read but they are definitely not quick to write, it is a different sort of writing discipline. Once again however Mills and Boon is the perfect holiday romance reading material. Being around 50,000 words they can be read in an evening. They are now also available in eBook format. You do not even need to be on holiday to enjoy one. With the kids school holidays the books are a blissful way of unwinding after running around after kids all day. They have something for everyone. If you want costume d...

Holiday Romance!!!

My book sales so far have been by people who are going on holiday. The kindle really is a godsend of an invention. If like me you overfill your suitcase with clothes, shoes and make- up, ( many of which you do not wear) then with a kindle there is not the extra hassle, of trying to squeeze  thick hardbacks and risk getting charged for excess luggage. My collection of flash erotica is also perfect to take on holiday. A holiday should be a balance of sightseeing, relaxing, etc. Many of the stories in my book are under one thousand words long. Depending on speed of reading one story could be completed within minutes, leaving time to take a dip by the pool. One of my followers who has purchased my book says he has already completed the whole book. It is holiday season all round with the kids being on summer holiday. With running around after Nishka twenty four seven, my own reading has been mostly short story collections. After a day entertaining  kids ,  w...

News Flash!!

I have finally done it! Got my first book out. Decided to take the plunge and bring out an Ebook on Amazon Kindle. I have realised it is just pointless to let my writing grow dust in a cupboard somewhere. The encouragement I have received, from the Phoenix Writers group and followers of my blog, has given me the confidence to take this gamble and let my baby out into the big wide world. As it is my first attempt at doing an ebook I decided to go for a relatively small scale project, a collection of mildly erotic flash fiction stories. I also feel there is a gap in the market for more flash fiction/short story collections, especially for busy working mums. I often pick up longer novels that I do not finish and literally lose the plot trying to fathom the sequence of the story. With collections of short stories however they are great to dip in and out of. There is the amazing feeling of getting one or maybe more  stories read in an evening. My collection is also quite eclectic whe...

Optimum Fitness

As the weather is finally getting better and my life is getting more and more hectic ( watch this space I may have some big news soon) I have decided to get fit. Nishka will be breaking up for her summer holidays soon, I still have a day job and writing is getting busier. ( not that I am complaining). I generally enjoy keeping fit and do not look at it as a chore, however  I am prone to bad habits. Namely snacking between meals and the excessive need for a sugar rush. Recently I  have discovered a range that is helping with these problems and my goal of getting fit. Like many single mothers I do not have a large budget therefore I am making the best of the bargains going at Optimus Protein. They currently have a sale on their starter bundles, which is exactly what is says on the label. The price was originally £85.44 and has now come down to £76.70, a saving of £8.54. The starter bundle includes protein powder in various flavours, a drinks bottle, a shaker and vari...

Burning a Dream - The Finale

We ended our performance with a piece about "Non uniform Day", with the backing music of Raag Jog. This raag also has a dark quality, Akash and Rishii put together a kind of groove to it. This poem was suppose to convey a profound, positive messege, which is why we felt the groove was appropriare. Rishii and Akash showed their musical dexterity in this peace with extra emphasis where I left a gap. The idea was to also emphasie the emtions through music. The extra twists they both added earned us a standing ovation when we finished. Non uniform day. Non uniform day A lot to say The line of fire Because of my attire. Mocked by the school, Made to look a fool. My alleged friends, They deserted  me. I looked at my watch, The day dragged. Treated like a parrasite, Sat in isolation.   Crying my eyes out, What was the fuss about. Having no voice and no choice. Now they pass me in the street And want to meet and greet. Suddenly,I’...

Burning a Dream 2.

When I recited my second poem at The Y I introduced Akash Parekh and Rishii Chowdhury to the stage. The poem titled "Stripping Dreams, was based on" experiences my siblings and I  had of teachers being bullies. When  teachers tell you that " you are incapable", " you cannot go to university, " you will never amount to anything" etc etc, what can you expect from children? Quite often these predictions are proved wrong in later years. I got told I would " NEVER set foot in a university". I did not set foot in one university but two and came out with two degrees. Nowadays political correctness is at another extreme. A few years back there was a kick off, about social services being called because a mother hugged her child for too, long at the school gates. I channelled my anger at these issues in this poem. While I recited the poem Rishii provided a light beat on Tabla. Akash played an Indian Classical raga ( composition) called Kirwani. T...

Burning a Dream 1.

The following is the first poem I recited at the Y nearly two weeks ago. It is based on my own personal experiences of being a minority Asian in Barnsley, South Yorkshire in the 1980's. My family then moved to Leicester where I faced bullying at a different level. Based on feedback from my previous performance, I chose to recite this poem in freestyle, without music, to really capture the essence of the emotions. This is how it went. Lassie from Barnsley. The only brown face, People would stop and stare, Walk the streets in a sari, You feel like an alien. Paki, brownie, blackie Heard it all. Skin color   An automatic disqualification. A yorkie lass, Strong accent. The family moved here, A culture shock. First day at school, The lead in the school play, Bad idea With a broad northern accent! Top that off with: Geeky glasses, An unusual name, Asking for trouble. We blended in more, On Belgrade road, Massi’s in slippers...