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Showing posts from January, 2017

2016 in Pictures- The High's within the Low's!

I mentioned in my last post what an adventure 2016 was for me. Among the toxins that were in my life ,on the creative side I’ve actually surprised myself at how much I achieved. This is a positive step towards starting the new year. It is easy to feel disheartened about the resolutions that never came into play the previous year, to the point that we do not bother making any the following year. I’ve learnt we should always look for the positives and not dwell on the negatives. It is actually the better level of success with my writing that made me realise that this is the path I would like to follow professionally and that the end of certain chapters in my life were a sign that writing is my new chapter. Here is a list (where possible with pictures) of some of my 2016 writing highlights: De Monfort university bookshop stocked one of my books, the anthology I wrote for young adults. I was invited to Moat Community College to conduct a writing workshop as part of ...