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Showing posts from May, 2012

Workshop week-Hectic run up but all came together on the day

Last week was certainly a manic week with the lead up to the Phoenix Writers Group Workshop. With my mentor and co pilot Maria we lead a session which involved preparation during the week and phone calls which I like to call editorial meetings. Of course in true mummy manic Mondays fashion the workshop was not the only thing I had to juggle. At the start of the week I had to fit in a consultation with my solicitor and read over my ex's statement for court. Going through the repetitive character assassinations is certainly no fun. At the end of the week there was my daughters parents evening which was a moment of pride for me as a mother. By Friday I was feeling calm, relaxed and buzzing about the workshop. I was extra pleased that my daughter and I even found time to put her new bedroom together. Getting closer to the workshop I ran into an obstacle. A horrible eye infection, conjunctivitis. I kept calm and just had an early. I tried very hard to...

Manic Overload,writing to the rescue.

It has been a couple of weeks since I lasted posted on my blog, unfortunately my mind has been clogged up with negative energy which has often left me drained. On my profile I mentioned that I am juggling my writing with being a working mother, that is not even the half of it. For the last four years I have also had an ongoing legal battle with my ex husband. The best way to describe it is kind of the cancer in my life. There will be quiet periods where I will not hear from him then when I do it is a violent attack of negativity.Not only do I often loose the will to live, my creative impulses get eaten away. The life gets sucked out of me. This week I have managed to somehow perk myself up and get back in the driving seat. However I am constantly switching gears. While attending to my daughter's often Diva like demands I am also slotting in time to read over court statements and having solicitors appointments. Of course the love of my life,  writing cannot and will not ...