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Tropical Summer

Over the summer period make the best of the sale at Tropic skincare. As well as the products I mentioned in the previous post, here are some popular items that my customers have requested in skincare and make- up.


Tamanu Balm- Great for preventing sun burn and mosquito bites.


Mineral Foundation- Much lighter than heavy based liquid foundations at this time of year with extra sweating from the sun.


Gel Eye Liner- When I tried a sample of this on my hand I had to do a lot of scrubbing to get it off, now I am a convert to the product, my mum has purchased one too. Great to avoid make up melt down, no need for touch ups throughout the day.  


Mineral Eye Shadow- For when you want to glam it up on a summer evening check out this lightweight product, check the website for marked down prices.


To find out more about these and other sun glamming and survival products please check out my website



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