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Showing posts from 2012

Eye Opening 2012

As 2012 is about to end it has got me doing my own personal review of the year. I have certainly learnt a lot about people this year. In positive and negative ways, I have seen many people in a different light. The other day I was just pondering on how intolerant society is becoming. I came up with the following poem as a result. Intolerance . Walking the walk of shame, but you barely know my name. You sit and judge, for the petty hold a grudge. Forget benevelent, people are barely tolerant. Pushing and shoving out of the way, and must have their say. Forget lending you a hand just out to repremand. Basic human kindness, lost in the wilderness. Even if you are a child, no mercy if you go wild. Do not make a mistake, politness people cannot even fake. Watch your back, as you fall under attack. This may sound pessimistic, but I point out the realistic.

Candid Comeback

  Finally made my long awaited comeback! With events building up to the gig I wondered if I would pull it all together on the day. The weeks leading up to the big day were certainly eventful. I'm slowly getting multi tasking down to a fine Art. The preparation for the show was juggled between  school runs, parents evenings, doing homework with Nishka and of course my dreaded court case. On the day I mixed my backing track with my friend Tony, I was switching between mixing the track and going through a statement with my Lawyer for a court hearing. Two days before the performance I was actually in court. When I look back on all this now,  I feel I have more resilience than I credited myself with. On the morning of the show I woke up feeling excited about the day ahead and really soaked up all the events. Before collecting Nishka from school I even found time to do my nails! Once I collected Nishka and her childminder I gave Nishka her dinner, got her sett...

Mummy Takes To The Stage.

After months of sharing  my ramblings on the blog ( both poetic and non poetic) I have decided to take the next step in my writing journey, by taking to the stage again. I will be performing some of my material live at The Y Theatre Leicester on Thursday 29th November at 7:30 pm. Further details can be found by clicking on the following link: This performance is a big project for me at several levels. It is a kind of comeback performance after several years of being out of it. I started singing at the age of seven and won my first poetry competition at this age and was an active child performer. At a very young age I performed on  Radio Sheffield and at The Crucible Theatre, Sheffield. As I got older various personal problems took away my energies to perform. However these challenges have given me an abundance of inspiration for writing material.   Since I have become a mother and joined The Phoenix Writer's Group,...

A Real Life Yummy Mummy Photo Shoot.

All these gossip magazines are full of praise for how amazing people like Victoria Beckham look. People forget about the full entourage of nannies, make up artistes etc that she has. They say every picture tells a story and so far all my blog profile pictures have done this.  This recent picture was taken by a talented photographer friend of mine, Tony Lyons who I mentioned a few posts back. I raided my ever expanding wardrobe and chose all the outfits myself and did my own hair and make up. This was along with making breakfast for and getting a four and a half year old ready to drop off at childminders. I certainly was not chauffeur driven. After I dropped Nishka off at Childminders I went to the Writers Group then made my way to Tony's for the photo shoot. The photo shoot itself was fun, creative and collaborative. I am not a natural poser and actually do not like having my picture taken but Tony put me at ease. Also I do not like smiling when I am forced to and like to...

Another Fitting Task.

I feel maybe this months Writers Group chairperson is reading my mind. For the second week in a row the task set has been very close to home for me.  This week we were asked to produce a 200 words piece ( choice of flash fiction, poetry, start of a longer piece etc) which had to include the phrase " I'm about to find out". I could not actually attend this week but found the task very stimulating and once again cathartic, this is my take on the piece: I'm About To Find Out. I'm about to find out: If my prayers have been answered, the course of my destiny, Which way will the ship steer? Are my beliefs a farce? Seasons are of no consequence, the cold and grey winters, the hot and sticky summers, always a morbid day. The clock keeps ticking, to the beat of my heart racing, an hour takes up a lifetime, I will grow old in this place. On first names terms with them all, four walls ingrained within me, a hyped up bazaar, full of sorrow. Some mo...

Thought Provoking Writer's Group Task.

At the Writers group we set a weekly task . Last weeks task was very close to home and approriate for my blog, which is why I have decided to make it my post for this week. The task of hundred words was " an object in your house is watching your morning routine". This is what I came up with: Mummy Mania to Yummy Mummy. Kidding herself that the plumbing is not working. Newsflash I am more than a burst pipe, we are all screaming at her STOP. No time to pause for a cup of tea, then she complains about mouth ulcers. Fresh out of the shower, sweating again another shower is needed. The party really gets started when the little one awakes. A minature mirror reflection. She leaves the house tripping over her stiletto's. The outside world would be none the wiser to the mania. She certainly gives the celebrity yummy mummies a run for their money. Stepping out looking so glamourous and immaculate.


This week has been a very testing week for me with the obstacles I have faced. It may sound corny and even clichéd but among the turmoil I have also seen some light and put my thoughts on paper, by composing the following poem. This poem works at two levels for me. The feedback I have received about my poetry at the writers group is that maybe I need to trim the rhyme and really get to the core of the emotions. Unlike my usual rhyming poems I have started experimenting with a prose poetry style. This poem has also been like catharsis for me. Here goes. The Light Within Turmoil. Acted in haste, Repent a life sentence. Not just at leisure I live and breath the karma. Although I have broken the chains I am still held prisoner of the cruel torture chamber. Trying to break the wings I found. Consuming my mind, body and soul eating away the goodness. Gripping so tight I cannot breath, Passive suffocation away f...

Music for the soul.

Rishii  is now getting well into his tabla tour. Nishka and I watched Rishii and up and coming Sitar player Akash Ash Parekh give a musical demonstration last weekend, for a Health and Culture Event. This took place at Beauchamp College, Oadby, Leicester which happens to be mine, Rishii's and our sisters old college. The demonstration that Rishii and Akash gave focused on the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of music. Rishii began with a demonstration of   warm up exercises on the tabla that really work the upper and lower arms, focusing on the physical aspect. Akash went through warm up exercises on the sitar and mentioned how even the sitting position when playing the sitar requires a level of physical flexibility. Akash then went onto demonstrate the warm up exercises he performs on Sitar during his practise. They both moved onto  the mental aspects of music and the emphasis on different levels of concentration. Playing tabla and sitar invol...

Rishii puts "Yo-Tabla" into practice.

Most of us would agree that every teacher should practise what they preach. This becomes vital when they have an inquisitive niece like Nishka as a student. Rishii is embarking on a tabla tour, the UK leg of it starts this weekend in Leicester and Wolverhampton. After the UK dates in September and October Rishii will be going onto India. I caught up with Rishii during the week and we chatted about tour preparations and how yoga has been a godsend.  Performances involve mental and physical preparation and Rishi explained how yoga has helped him to focus his mind and body. It is not just the performances, but the individual practise  preparations and rehearsals. On stage it may look effortless but often quite a show goes on behind the scenes. Madonna has always been known for her punishing fitness regimes during tour preparations. Yoga is a very strong focus in Madonna's regime, once again marrying the disciplines of music and yoga. This Saturday Rishii...

Yo-Tabla- a Holistic Approach to Music and Life.

  It is an absolute pleasure to be contributing to my sister’s blog. It is a great way for a writer and musician to collaborate on ideas that we share and are passionate about. I have been playing tabla since childhood and have had the opportunity and fortune to have learned from the very best in the industry. Teaching is a strong passion of mine and I think it comes from being surrounded by educators on a daily basis such as Mum! As well as being a student of music, I am also a student of ‘Ashtanga Yoga’(Pathanjali). These two disciplines really complement each other as it provides one with a more flexible approach to life. It was one of those rare divine interventions that the concept of ‘Yo-Tabla’ came to me last year. As Indian musicians, we sit for long periods of time absorbing a vast amount of information whether in our own practice or performance. From personal experience, I have found that by incorporating basic breathing techniques and stretches, the body and m...

Music- The Breath of Life

As Nishka is getting older and more energetic I have found the perfect way to keep her occupied, something I would recommend to all parents. Nishka has taken up music and has started learning to play Tabla (Indian drums). This however is no ordinary music lesson, it is in in the style of "yotabla" which a fusion of tabla and yoga. This unique style has been created by Rishi Chowdhury a renowned performer and teacher of tabla, who also happens to be my brother and Nishka's uncle. This post is really an introduction to the next post where Rishi will be making a guest appearance and explaining more about "yotabla" and how it benefits young children. From a parental point of view I can say it is a brilliant concept that marries two holistic disciplines together. Tabla or yoga alone provide many emotional and spiritual benefits, why not bring the two together. For children especially there is the coordination and concentration aspect of tabla and the calming and ...

A New Journey

My little one is not such a little one anymore, Nishka has now started school. The run up has been occupied with uniform shopping and home visits, while still juggling other commitments, writing especially. As the big day dawned closer certain emotions got conjured up in me, resulting in  the following poem of the same title as the post: A New Journey It is hard for me to perceive A child I once could not conceive, Is now all grown and stepping into the world alone. I had my fears over the last few years trials and tribulations out of the blue, but we got through. Of what she had to endure has made her mature, This journey is an easy ride In comparison to the high tide. She has already done me proud and stood out from the crowd. Made of stern stuff when times have been tough. A trait I never had of this strength in her I am glad. For this journey she is ready but life is not steady. She keeps me strong when things go wrong...

The Irony of Virginity.

      I have treated the last three posts as a kind of Madonna trilogy and this is the third and final part. Obviously not the final part indefinitely as what kind of fan would that make me. My own mentor Maria Smith inspired this post based on the comments we exchanged about the previous one. The youtube footage I have used is from when Johnathan Ross interviewed Madonna in 1992 during the  controversy over the Erotica album and Sex Book. When you watch this interview, Madonna actually delves into the creative thought process behind these pieces of work that caused so much hype. People are quick to brand Madonna as blasphemous and perverted but you need a certain level of intelligence to understand the irony behind the messages conveyed. The sex book is actually a collection of short stories and Madonna happens to be playing the character.  Even the song "Like a Virgin" can be looked at from different angles. There is the most obvious one of los...

Leave my idol alone!

My blog has been up and running for about four months now. Being a hardcore Madonna fan I feel on my part, it is very rude that this is only the second post I have done. However I can make up for it and I feel this post is a must. I have been following Madonna's MDNA tour and have been rather annoyed at the bad press my idol has been getting. Elton John has made comments that her career is over. If that is the case how do tickets for Madonna's concerts sell out so quickly. The cynics out there are always quick to pick on negatives and critisise people, but do not want to acknowledge the positives. Madonna is fifty plus and in her shows she sings, acts, dances and plays guitar. If anyone has ever seen the documentaries In Bed with Madonna and I'm Going To tell You A Secret, Madonna is very much at the forefront of the creative process of actually putting her shows together. People just want to critisise but fail to even acknowledge all these finer points. Madonna does no...

Freedom of expression

In my profile I said I am mad about Madonna. That is an understatement! I could easily dedicate my whole blog to this woman who I really admire and look up to as a role model. The speech Madonna made when the Vatican tried to ban her  show in 1990, has more meaning to me now more than ever. When I heard it for the first time during Madonna's Blonde Ambition Tour I thought " wow what a woman standing up for what she believes in".  As I have got older and experimented within my own art this speech has such a profound meaning to me personally. Not at quite a high profile level, but I have been in a similar position to my idol when I was asked to censor my poem during a local recital. During the rehearsal there was one stanza that some people perceived could cause offence to some of the audience.  I was asked to edit that stanza or choose a poem that was less controversial. The other option would have been to not perform at all.  Al...

Two faced!

I have had a funny sort of week which has made me question the human race. My thoughts have sparked off the following free verse poem; Which face are you wearing today? The face you put on for me; The guise of friendship, the free advice, a fake smile illusion of a confidant. Face to the world; assassinations on my character, the daggers in my back, all flaws under scrutiny watched under a microscope. The ugly face; You are too fat you are too skinny your house is too small You do not earn enough money. My face; I am true to myself a free spirit make up illuminates my face and does not mask a lie!

Pregnant Pause

I am very delighted to hear about the pregnancy news of a close friend, as well as many other friends in my age group. As a mother of one it is an honour that I am being looked at as a pregnancy  mentor/Doula. With this role I have been asked some very vital questions. Some of them the common ones. What is the best cure for morning sickness?Will I get my figure back? Does breastfeeding give you saggy boobs? In the title of this post I am literally trying to say "you are pregnant now pause". The in laws and great grannies may fill you with all the myths and old wives tales. Do not eat this, do not do that, have lots of bed rest. Until I got pregnant myself I also took these myths on board. My own pregnancy certainly did not go as planned. The typical myth pregnant women are fed is  avoid stress and if you live in India lots of bed rest. These two were not an option for me. I was working full time with a thirty mile commute to work everyday and studying for a postgradua...

Gratitude part 2.

I have located a poem I wrote last year, which I feel makes a fitting continuation of the point I was trying to make in my last post. This is the first time I have posted one of my  poems on my blog, bit of an experiment. Here it goes; B******* To The Norm. You may feel you are on the shelf, At least you are true to yourself. It is hard to find Someone with a like mind. Life is good, bad and ugly, With tragedy and comedy. A true soul mate Is worth the wait. Why settle for less? And end up a mess. Seems like the done thing, the misery it can bring. Why run into a storm? Just to satisfy the norm. Ending up a bore who do you live for?

Gratitude for my Mummy Manic Mondays

Towards the end of my last post I said I feel blessed with being granted the gift of motherhood. I am feeling inspired to expand on this further. Even though we are living in the twenty first century, society seems to think you are only classed as normal if you are married and have children and do it in a certain order by a certain age. If that is a measure of normality I am proud I am not normal. The way my life has worked out may seem unconventional, not  normal etc etc. I would not have it any other way.  I may not be married anymore but I am proud to say even though life is tough, I live with my heart. I wake up in the morning and see my daughters smiling face. When I go to bed at night I see her sweet little face. A child is the most honest person to live with. If I look shit Nishka will often tell me and not mean it with malice.  My life without a husband means unlike many relationship's and marriages out there, I am not worrying that my other half is che...

The Big Day.

Today started off on a positive note, the smoothest nursery run in a while. Nishka got up in a happy  and positive mood. I had her bag packed the night before but she still checked that I packed her sun hat, as the weather was really good. Madam was very cooperative and took the sensible option of wearing her trainers from home rather than her usual sandals. I planned ahead and packed Nishka's trainers in her bag thinking she would not wear them until she got to nursery. I could not get the morning off work so my brother Rishi was my representative today. It was impossible to concentrate on work, I kept texting Rishi for updates. The event started at 10am and finished  at 11am, the children completed twenty laps around the nursery car park. They did have small breaks in between for what Rishi described as some delicious looking biscuits and fruit squash. The picture is of Nishka with her medal, she also received a certificate. A very proud mother moment for m...

Eve of The Big Toddle Event.

All set for the Big Toddle event tomorrow. Even though the weather was hit and miss on Sunday, Nishka and I did fit in some practise at Knighton Park, Leicester during the sporadic dry spells. Nishka alternated between walking, skipping and jogging and has indicated this will be her game plan on the day. I have also treated her to a princess style headband to match her princess dress. As I am writing this post madam is tucked up in bed getting a good nights sleep ready for the big day. Princess dress, trainers, water bottle etc are all set too, now lets pray for some good weather. My brother Rishi will form part of the cheering squad, routing for his niece to complete as many laps as possible and raise lots of money for Barnado's Children's charity. Wishing Nishka all the best , I am sure she will do us all proud.

Run up to the Big Toddle charity event.

A slight disappointment that I am unable to attend the writers group this Saturday but I will certainly be keeping occupied . I have earmarked myself as my daughter's personal trainer this weekend. To raise money for the children's charity Barnado's, the children at my daughter's nursery will be participating in  "The Big Toddle". This involves walking a few laps around the nursery car park wearing  a Superhero outfit ( girls have the option of a princess outfit). Barnado's is a charity that helps vulnerable children. Nurseries and pre- schools across the UK will be taking part in this event to raise money to help these children.  More information can be found at .  I have been advised by the nursery to take my daughter on long walks this weekend and keep her active in preparation for the event. The weather has been a let down but this has not curtailed preparations and my daughter is certainly taking it very seriously. We have tried t...

Picture Perfect Bank Holiday.

The  long weekend just gone was both enjoyable and productive. I could really get use to working just two days.On Sunday I felt like a celeb yummy mummy when my daughter and I met up with my friend and talented photographer, Tony Lyons. I keep meaning to get some up to date pictures for the blog and Tony was more than happy to help.  I viewed samples of Tony's work before and was really impressed and thought he would be perfect. The new profile picture was actually taken at work when Tony did a photography workshop for Learning at Work Day. A very popular photographer in demand on that day. I am not a natural poser and really do not like having my picture taken but Tony really put me at ease. An extra challenge was also keeping a very active four year old entertained and well behaved. Madam turned out to be a photographers apprentice when she was given a small camera to play around with. The photo shoot was fun and creative experimenting with different po...

The winning entry- The Curse of Dirty Dothan

A bit later than anticipated but here it is. The joint winning Dirty Dothan story from the workshop;  The Curse of Dirty Dothan  Marsha Mindfull normally kept away from village fetes but something  had drawn her here today. She approached the hall recognising Daniel's  footprints in the snow. She reminisced about the time they went skinny  dipping. His big footprints nearly revealed their affair.  The familiar scent of cigar smoke coming from the hall startled her.  She tried the handle. Locked. She placed her ear to the door. mumbling  came from within.      "Daniel!" She shrieked. No reply.  She glanced around, making certain no one saw, before turning into a  gaseous state and seeping in through the keyhole.      "You!"      "Welcome to the party," said Dothan, Queen of the Dark Faye.      "SUCCUBUS! What have you done with Daniel?"   ...

Workshop week-Hectic run up but all came together on the day

Last week was certainly a manic week with the lead up to the Phoenix Writers Group Workshop. With my mentor and co pilot Maria we lead a session which involved preparation during the week and phone calls which I like to call editorial meetings. Of course in true mummy manic Mondays fashion the workshop was not the only thing I had to juggle. At the start of the week I had to fit in a consultation with my solicitor and read over my ex's statement for court. Going through the repetitive character assassinations is certainly no fun. At the end of the week there was my daughters parents evening which was a moment of pride for me as a mother. By Friday I was feeling calm, relaxed and buzzing about the workshop. I was extra pleased that my daughter and I even found time to put her new bedroom together. Getting closer to the workshop I ran into an obstacle. A horrible eye infection, conjunctivitis. I kept calm and just had an early. I tried very hard to...

Manic Overload,writing to the rescue.

It has been a couple of weeks since I lasted posted on my blog, unfortunately my mind has been clogged up with negative energy which has often left me drained. On my profile I mentioned that I am juggling my writing with being a working mother, that is not even the half of it. For the last four years I have also had an ongoing legal battle with my ex husband. The best way to describe it is kind of the cancer in my life. There will be quiet periods where I will not hear from him then when I do it is a violent attack of negativity.Not only do I often loose the will to live, my creative impulses get eaten away. The life gets sucked out of me. This week I have managed to somehow perk myself up and get back in the driving seat. However I am constantly switching gears. While attending to my daughter's often Diva like demands I am also slotting in time to read over court statements and having solicitors appointments. Of course the love of my life,  writing cannot and will not ...

Mummy Manic Rant.

On the writing front this week has been slightly unproductive and bitty. I have resorted to stealing the odd moment with a note pad and pen and nothing very focused. This week has left me very drained constantly dealing with unforseen eventualities, like a leaking shower. Any spare time has been dedicated to dealing with bills, domestics and off course a screaming child.  These so called self help guides for parents, that I mentioned in the last post rant on about delegating to a spouse. They say " men hunt and gather and women nurture". I am doing all the hunting, gathering and nurturing, playing the role of a mother and father. When my daughter screams " I want this, I want that" I find my self screaming back " What about what I want"? Anyway my rant is over for now. Lets see if next week can be more productive?

In Search of a Miracle Manual.

With the best of intentions I visited the local library with my daughter at the weekend. As I put her in a corner for" time out" for naughty behaviour I came across a book, that I literally thought was a godsend. It was "The Girl's Guide To Being a Working Mum: How to be happy at home and happy at work" by Caitlin Friedman and Kimberly Yorio.  Just from skimming through it I feel reassured that I am not on my own with my feelings of guilt and have actually discovered  some good mantra's to keep me sane. For example by taking care of myself I am taking care of my daughter. Also just because I am a mum it does not mean that is the end of my writing dreams.  However when it comes to practical advice some of it is impossible for me to apply. For example delegate to your spouse, which I do not have or want. Also the suggestion about not doing laundry everyday, which is easier said then done considering my daughter has only been out of nappies for a few months...

The Course of True Love

Most of us would associate this phrase with romantic love. I feel this is also the case when you find something in life that you love to do, your passion.     Especially when this passion conflicts with the love you have for your child. I love writing and know this is what I want to do for the rest of my life but I also love my daughter.   On a hot sunny day we will get lunch in a cafĂ©. While we are waiting for food   to arrive I will scribble down some notes. I try to do it discreetly so that she knows my attention is on her. Some would say this is good multi-tasking. Others would say I am a bad mother. The flip side of that with some parents is that they give up on their own dreams and try to get their children to live them. They end up taking their frustrations out on their children if they do not succeed. I have also come across parents who pour all their love onto their children and nothing else. When they flee the nest they have not...

Inspiration Strikes

At last I have found a profile  picture for my blog. As a result I feel inspired to write this post.  It is quite fitting for the theme I would say, as it was taken on a very manic day. A few months back I was asked to recite one of my poems for an event and do a cookie stall.  Leading up to the event I had to compose a poem especially for that occassion and stay up for a couple of nights baking cookies. All this while taking care of a toddler who was not potty trained then. I still managed to find time to paint my nails, do my make up etc etc. Now that is how a real life yummy mummy fits it all in. I get frustrated when the likes of Heat magazine have front page pictures of these stressed out celeb yummy mummies. How do us normal mums living in the real world get by without the entourage and the celeb salaries?
Going back to what I said in the introduction, I will be updating my blog weekly but not necessarily on a Monday. As a working mother of a nearly four year old also juggling my writing, domestic duties and various interests etc. etc. Every day is a manic Monday. Even a seemingly relaxing weekend away. Take last weekend for example when my daughter and I went away for a friend’s wedding and the weather was just gorgeous. Sounds relaxing? Hmm not necessarily. It was my daughters first train journey with packing for both of us and the need to look fabulous for the wedding. I was lugging a heavy rucksack around Cambridge while controlling my daughter. All this wearing an expensive silk suit and high heels. On the train journey back for the first few minutes my daughter seemed happy just watching the scenery. The hypnotic effect of it must have sent her to sleep. As she fell asleep on my lap I worked on my two hundred word piece for the writers group on Saturday. I was also...