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Mummy Takes To The Stage.

After months of sharing  my ramblings on the blog ( both poetic and non poetic) I have decided to take the next step in my writing journey, by taking to the stage again. I will be performing some of my material live at The Y Theatre Leicester on Thursday 29th November at 7:30 pm. Further details can be found by clicking on the following link:

This performance is a big project for me at several levels. It is a kind of comeback performance after several years of being out of it. I started singing at the age of seven and won my first poetry competition at this age and was an active child performer. At a very young age I performed on  Radio Sheffield and at The Crucible Theatre, Sheffield. As I got older various personal problems took away my energies to perform. However these challenges have given me an abundance of inspiration for writing material.   Since I have become a mother and joined The Phoenix Writer's Group, I have found my confidence again and started experimenting with my style. I am ready to make this comeback.

This will also be an experimental project for me where I will be bringing together Music,Poetry and Theatre, with a fusion of East meets West. I personally feel poetry gets a raw deal and needs to be made more accessible to the wider masses. The best way to do this is through performance. My own journey as an artist has taken me to the disciplines of  Music  and Literature and I will be marrying these together.

I am looking forward to this new adventure and I hope many people who have read or are following my blog will share this journey with me at some level. The encouragement and support my followers have given me has also played a huge part in my decision to take to the stage again.  I look forward to meeting some of you at The Y Theatre, Leicester next week.


  1. Excellent post! And every good wish for a sparkling performance on can do it!


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