I can really empathise with this time of year when young people are taking mock exams, it can really lay down routes for the future. It is not just the exams but support and encouragement they received that shapes futures too. In my last book I touched on topics such as teachers putting children down and mocking their dreams. This adds further stress to the whole process. If a child is told they can’t go to university or they should aim lower they will believe it and it can shape lives in a negative way.
I feel very strongly about this issue which is why I wrote my book and I am taking it further with another project which is launching a home tutoring business with a difference. Not only will I be giving academic support to to people taking GCSE’s and A levels in English and Humanities subjects, I will also be offering mentoring and career guidance. During the mentoring and career guidance process I will help children turn around their negative thinking and help them to make dreams come true. My tutoring will not just be about the academic preparation but also the mental and emotional preparation not just for the exams but for the future.
I have been through the exam system and been told that I will never set foot in university and I should do something mediocre. Many of my teachers would be surprised to find out that I am writing books. Together with my own siblings I'm living proof that the demeaning beliefs drummed into you don’t need to shape who you are.
As well as the exam system I’ve also been through the society pressure of getting that phone call on results day asking how many A stars you got. My sister even had someone with a pen and paper at the other end writing down all her results for every subject. With my tutoring and mentoring I intend to help young people overcome issues like this and believe in themselves. There is a preview of my book at the end of this post for personal tutoring please send me a personal message at mayapeec@googlemail.com or through social media.

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