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Locked in reflection!

I have been contemplating starting my blog again for a while now.  When the  lock down was announced I set myself a to do list of both work related goals and practical ones, but also some fun, creative goals. Among them was starting my blog again. This post has been drafted and edited several times in the last few weeks as other things take over. Homeschooling a pre-teen and keeping on top of my own day job has delayed the plan very slightly.

 The last time I blogged  was at the beginning of 2017. This lock down has certainly brought out a more reflective side in me. In. I would say it is an invaluable time to take stock and reflect on life in general. We can really look at where we were to where we are now to where we would like to be. There is probably a reason why I have started my blog again during lock down.  Looking back at some of the blog archives, I remember what a different place I was back then.  It may seem like my blog has been quiet for three years and I have not had anything to write about, but my life has certainly not been quiet.  This is probably why my blog posts have stopped for such a long time. 

  The beginning of 2017 was when I was slowly beginning to get my life back on track.  The following year 2016 was when I went through a very dark period of depression, health problems and eventually leaving a job that was making me unfulfilled and unhappy. I was bullied where I worked and had to deal with the aftermath of that too.  Before returning to work I also had a period of self reflection and self isolation but not to the extent that it is today with Covid-19..

  During my own period of self isolation and self-reflection I looked inward a lot.  From my previous workplace I received enough compensation money to keep me going financially for a while.  During this period I spent time really reflecting on what I want to do with the rest of my life. I  was freelancing for a while and even had my own small business.  As   a writer my confidence grew further and I started delivering more and more workshops which gave me a passion for teaching. With the support and encouragement from some close friends I chose to take that once abandoned path again.

At the end of 2017 I have my own little “Assam Adventure” going by the same title as a book that was published in 2017.  After over a decade I returned to my motherland of Assam and what a journey that was.  I don't want to give too much away my first post but that's something I will definitely blog about at some point in another post.  It really was an eye-opening journey where I really discovered myself.

 in 2018 my path back into teaching started again and for a year I also presented a radio show.  Teaching has been really good for me and I feel as though I have found my passion and it's something I'm really enjoying.Other creative outlets continued too, I presented a radio show on Leicester community radio.  That was also quite an adventure that merits  a longer blog post.  On both a personal and professional level my Leicester Community Radio experience certainly lived up the “ Deep and meaningful “ part of the title of my show. The whole experience was indeed “Deep and Meaningful”. 

 More recently I recorded an EP,  which is an Extended Play ( shorter than an album but longer than a single).  I took some of my poetry and music recorded it and put it onto a CD and I'm still in the process of putting it on various channels.  That was a very very cathartic process and a lifelong dream of mine to also come back into music.  I fulfilled a lifelong dream of learning to play the guitar and at my recent launch the events I also did my very first full solo performance.

 I have summed  this up in a nutshell of everything that I have been up to since I last blogged.  In some ways it is appropriate that I allowed some time to pass since I last blogged.  It is almost like a sequel to a book.  When I first started my blog back in 2012 I was on a completely different journey in life and love.  I was in a job that did not keep me filled where I faced a lot of workplace bullying which I have written about on other platforms and even covered in my radio show.  I was still in the middle of a horrendous legal battle which I thought would never come to an end and the mother of a very young child who is now in secondary school. 

As I returned to my blog today, now in my forties I return as a completely different person.  somebody who has made peace with a few situations but in terms of my career I am a lot more fulfilled.  I'm still figuring things out and have my dark moments but I feel as though the blog that I'm going to write in 2020 is going to be different to the one that I wrote last decade.  When I started my blog I wrote generally about things that interested me,  I blogged if I had a bad day I blocked if I had a good day.  Sometimes my blog would have some general ramblings and rantings and sometimes I would share some pearls of wisdom.  I blogged about various interests at what I have changed from writing to music and food fashion. I Honestly don't know where my blog of 2020 will take me but I have certainly missed him especially the cathartic creative outlet.  So once again depending on how the self isolation period comes out with home tutoring my daughter and keeping up with my own remote teaching timetable I do plan to blog every week again not necessarily on a Monday. One thing I definitely promise though is my blog will be more candid and uncensored than ever, certainly not for the faint hearted or judgemental types!


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